Planning a Destination Wedding…Make a Tour Guide for Friends & Family


Destination weddings are fun but also a lot of work.  Not only are you planning a wedding miles away from where you live but you may also want to make a list of fun “to do’s” for your wedding guest.  So in order to do this, you may want to visit a travel agency or the local tourist information.  Put together a weekend guide of local restaurants, shops, and any events going on the weekend of your wedding.  You picked this destination place for once reason or another so create  a guide for your family and friends so they can see why you chose this magical place for your wedding.

Offer A Cake With Different Flavors


Instead of going the traditional route of a layered cake, how about offering single layer cakes each with a different flavor.  For my wedding, I had five different flavored cakes and it was awesome.  There was something for everyone and my husband and I didn’t have to choose one traditional flavor :)!!!

For some pizzazz, you can have each cake on their own cake stand and have the stands be different heights.

Planning An Outdoor Wedding….Have A Back-Up Plan


If you have always dreamed of an outdoor wedding, plan it…just make sure the wedding venue has a back-up plan.

When I got married, I had an outdoor wedding and it was absolutely beautiful.  Of course it rained the night before and there was overcast that morning.  But by 5:30pm that evening it was shining bright.   But in case it did rain, the venue did offer a place to get married and liked that option.

So if your wedding venue does not offer an inside option, really think long and hard if you still want to be married at that location.  But if they offer an inside option, make sure you love it just as much as the outside.  This is your day and it should be just as you want it to be even if you can’t predict the weather :)!!!

Gifts For Your Bridal Party



If you’re looking to get your bridal party a gift, how about paying for their hair and makeup for your wedding day.  It’s a great bonding time getting pampered on the big day and I know the bridesmaids would love the gift.

If you still want to give your bridesmaids a gift, how about individual gifts.  They don’t need to be the same.  You picked these ladies to stand up for you on your day, pick a gift that represents them and your friendship.

What Do You Brides Want To Hear


Hello fellow brides, I wanted to take the moment to see what tips or ideas you want to hear about???  My tips and thoughts have come from being a bride, being in weddings, and attending many weddings.

Coming up with a different daily tip is fun but it would great if I could hear from you brides.  Have a wedding question or dilemma your afraid to ask your friends or family, feel to ask me.  My tips are for you brides and to let you know, you are not the only ones out there :).

Buffet or Sit Down Dinner????


This is a topic of discussion among many brides and I get why.  The word “buffet” doesn’t sound classy but done right, it can be very nice.

After attending many weddings, I knew I didn’t want the option for chicken or beef.  So my finance and I choose to a have a buffet style dinner and it was amazing.  We had a choice of three main dishes with many side dishes plus salad.  I say if your going to do a buffet style, have a food tasting and if the catering company has a restaurant, eat at the restaurant so you can try the options on their menu and see what you would like to have for your day.

If you choose to have a sit down dinner, try not be so generic with chicken or beef.  Try to be a little more adventurous :).

Plan A Day Of Rest


If your like most, your working a full-time job, while planning the most important day in your life…your wedding.  Planning a wedding is like a full-time job but if you don’t want to lose your mind, you need to a break every once a while.  Since today is Sunday, why not make it a day of no wedding planning and have a date with your fiance or meet the girls for lunch or do a little shopping.  Whatever you choose, make sure its nothing to do with wedding planning.  Enjoy your day off!!!!

Picking The Wedding Date


Every little girl dreams of her wedding day with all the details including which day she will marry.  So when looking at venues and picking the date, be sure its in the time-frame you want to get married.  I once know someone who picked her date based on what was available.  I’m not knocking the idea but if you have a certain date in mind and you hear that date is no longer available, pick another date you would prefer.  Don’t just pick a date on what’s available.  This day is the day you will remember forever.

Make a Timeline


Weddings are planned everyday within 3 months, 6 months, or a year.  In order to stay organized and not pull your hair out, I recommend making a timeline.  Make a list of the “to-dos” for your wedding and place each item in a calendar that make sense to you.  You don’t need to follow any particular order but as long as your timeline suits your schedule your good.  So pick a wedding date and then work your way back 3 months, 6 months, a year, or more to start creating your timeline.  Happy planning :)!!!!

Which Party Dress????


Okay ladies, for those of who want to give your bridal party options on the bridesmaids dresses, piece of advice, keep the choices minimal.   I know its common to pick dresses with many choices but if you have four bridesmaids in the same color dress but each dress has its own style, I think it would look odd.  I say give them two choices and that’s it.

There some brides who want their bridal party to match from the hair style to shoes.   If that’s your deal, have at.  And with that, your only giving your bridesmaids one dress option:).