
I am sure you have had a theme for your wedding in your mind long before you were engaged :).   I know I did.  Mine was going to be a fall wedding with pumpkins and all my friends knew the theme.  Well 6 years before my wedding, my best friend was planning her day and she wanted to have pumpkins for her day.  Of course she asked me if it was okay to use pumpkins and it was fine by me since I was no where near planning my wedding.  So she choose pumpkins and 6 years later I still had a fall wedding in September but went with a slightly different theme.

My point is, you will most likely be planning a wedding amongst all your other friends planning weddings.  There could be a chance, themes may overlap and that’s okay.  It’s up to you to decide how different you want it to be.  Do you want a beach theme or a summer theme?  A pumpkin theme or a fall theme :).  No matter what you choose,  commit to your theme.  Its your day and theme it up the way you want :).